torsdag 29 september 2016

Energy levels & Thoughts

Greetings from the other side.

I finally seem to have my energy back again. It has been very strange how my energy-levels have been coming and going in the last couple of weeks. Hopefully it is back to stay now, as it has been affecting me quite a lot. I have soldiered on as best I have been able to, but admittedly some times I have been working at half-speed because of it. :-/ I have been able to do my job and do the tasks I am required to do, but I would have much rather been doing it with my normal energy rather than feeling like I'd rather go lie down and rest. Keeping my fingers crossed that my energy-levels have stabilized now.

Going through a period of time like that makes you realize how important it is to be able to feel like you have the energy to do things. Not tired like you haven't been sleeping even though you have been making sure that you get the required amount of sleep. It's a weird thing because no matter how much you sleep you still feel like you haven't been sleeping much at all. I wasn't showing any other symptoms either, like fever or anything like that which might have helped explain the sudden lack of energy.

Besides that though, I have been doing alright. Things are going well at work and I am still feeling like I am growing with the job. I have had a chance to meet a lot of wonderful people, and it is always a pleasure talking to them. Today I was helping out at a meet-up for people above the age of 60, and I really enjoyed it. They were really friendly and it was a joy helping out.

Only cloud on my work-related 'sky' is that, starting on Monday, my job goes down from 100% to 60%. I will probably be able to fill out the rest by working extra in other places, etc, however. So my girlfriend and I should be able to manage.

I am hoping that my energy-levels will remain at their normal level from now on.

See you all on the other side!

måndag 26 september 2016

An update

Greetings from the other side.

This will probably be a short update, as I am a bit short on time and energy today.

The last few days have been eventful. I proposed to my girlfriend on Friday, and I got a yes! :) YAY! We went out and bought the rings and now we are settling into our new, engaged, life together. It feels wonderful!

Not sure what is wrong with me today, but I am severely lacking in energy, and have been all day. I hope I am not coming down with something now. :-/ Will probably make an extra early night tonight and hope that I feel better tomorrow.

This is my last week working 100% at my current job. Starting next week, and for the coming 6 months, my job is at 60%. I will be able to work extra in other places to make up for it, but it still feels like a bit of a hassle. Oh well. It could be worse. At least we are healthy, happy, and we know we'll survive on the lower income.

I am starting to feel very much at home here in Finland now. :) My biggest hurdle is still learning the finnish language. Considering it belongs to a different language group than Swedish, that I haven't studied any language like it before, and that I am somewhat limited in when I actually have time to study, I have a feeling it is going to be a slow process for me. I'm still going to try though! :)

I think that will be all for now. I'll return with a better post later when I have my energy back.

See you all on the other side!

onsdag 21 september 2016

Reflections under an overcast sky

Greetings from the other side.

Another fine day of working in the sunshine. Well... not quite "sunshine", more like "cloudy overcast", but it has been a nice day none the less. The temperature outside has been decent, though unfortunatelly, because of the overcast, the grass isn't drying very well, which is causing me some issues with the machines that are supposed to cut said grass. It's been a struggle at times, but eventually I got some done at least.

It has been a day of quiet contemplation while working. There is something almost meditative in loosing yourself in thought while you work. Some times it can even help you solve a problem you have been struggling with for a while, or it can give you new inspiration for something. For me, both things were true today. I was able to figure something out that I have been pondering for a while now, with regards to my world-building, and I also found inspiration for something new which I could add to it.

The weeks just seem to be rolling by. It's monday, and then suddenly the week has passed by again. I guess it is a good sign that I am enjoying myself here, but at the same time sometimes I wish that time would slow down a little. At least on occasion. The weekends would be a good time to do it in. Though I have a feeling that would be asking for too much.

We're still unpacking and moving stuff, little by little. My working long days does put a little break on it, but we'll get it all done eventually. We also need to get the upstairs ready as well, as we did move some stuff from there downstairs. Soon enough we will be able to have people from Sweden visiting. Something I am quite looking forward to! :)

Time for me to go help out with the dinner.

See you all on the other side!

tisdag 20 september 2016

A thought-full entry

Greetings from the other side.

A few days have gone by since my last update. During this time I have been busy with work, moving, every-day life things, and a tad of role-playing related stuff. In short: I have been busy. Yet for some reason, as I sit here to write about it, nothing in particular comes to mind. Strange that. I know I have been very busy, but at the moment I can't think of anything to write about. I guess it must be the tiredness, and I have plenty of that. Though that is partly my own fault as well. I did sit up later than usual last night playing a tabletop roleplaying game with my friends over the internet. It was fun, but it also resulted in me only getting about 6 hours of sleep last night. Luckily it only happens once or twice a week, so it won't effect me too much. You do feel some effect from it though, as working 8 or 9 hour days combined with not enough sleep does tend to leave a mark. But as I said, I only sit up like that once or twice a week, so I'll be fine.

Still haven't gotten any extra TV-channels installed, so I still can't watch the football (soccer for you North Americans out there). I do miss it, but due to a few different factors we have postponed getting them to a later date. It will happen eventually though, and I am quite looking forward to that day.

In my job there's a lot of work, but it also lends itself to a lot of time for reflection and thinking. I quite enjoy that about my job as well. It is an interesting mix of physical labour, and creative thinking. It lends itself well for my world-building, without taking anything away from performing my actual work. In that sense I guess I get the best of both worlds in this job. I think it is beneficial to both the mind, the spirit, and the body.

The physical nature of the job still leaves me tired in the evening, though I suppose that shows I am actually doing something during the day.

Another factor I love about my job is that I get to meet and talk to a lot of people. It gives a sense of connection, that I wouldn't get otherwise. I work in a church, and even though the church is my employer I serve the parrish. The contact with people, talking to and listening to them, is an important part of the whole. I believe in meeting everyone with kindness and an open mind, no matter who they are.

See you all on the other side!

lördag 17 september 2016

Another 'Moving' Story

Greetings from the other side.

Today has been a busy day here at the house. We have been moving floors to live in the downstairs 'apartment' instead of just upstairs. We are not done with the moving yet, but most of the big stuff has been carried to where it needs to go at least. There's still work to be done getting everything in order though, so still some time before we are done. It feels good to finally be able to see the proverbial light at the end of the tunnel though. We will still be utilizing the upstairs apartment however, and it will also serve as a place for guests to stay when I have people visiting from Sweden. :)

Been very tired after this past work-week, and my body has been aching a bit in the last couple of days. Especially my back has felt a bit sore. So I was a bit hesitant about carrying all the heavy furniture today. It went by without a hitch though, but tomorrow will definitely be a day or rest for me. We had some glutenfree pizza for dinner, together with my girlfriend's parents, after we were done to celebrate. I can assure you all it was delicious! :)

My weight keeps going down, which is good. So far I have lost about a kilo every week, and two kilos this past week. I am also noticing that I feel lighter, which is good. :) I am putting it down to my girlfriend's healthy cooking, and the physical nature of my work which has me working outside all day.

This will have to conclude my post for today, as I am very tired.

See you all on the other side!

torsdag 15 september 2016

Reflections on the present

Greetings from the other side.

Another week is slowly coming to an end. It still surprises me how fast time seems to move since I moved over here. I know I have been here over a month now, but it doesn't feel like it. In a strange way it simultaneously feels like I have been here forever and like I have only been here a week or so. It's the strangest feeling, but I suppose it is ok anyway. I am enjoying it here, which is the important thing. I do think about my family, relatives and friends back home in Sweden from time to time though, wondering how they are doing, and looking forward to when they can come visiting me here in Finland.

I haven't been able to go back home to visit yet, and it might still be some time before that can happen. There's a lot going on at the moment with work, preparing the downstairs apartment, every day life stuff, etc. I'm not sure exactly when things will slow down enough for me to come visiting over a weekend or so. Thing is, I also work some weekends, which also narrows down the options a bit. I will when I can though.

I am slowly learning to find my way around over here, which feels nice. :) It gives a whole different sense of freedom when you know you can find your way around without getting lost.

I have started making friends over here though, slowly but surely. Also, going off with work yesterday was really rewarding as I got to meet and talk to a lot of new people. One 'part' of the experience was entirely in finnish, but luckily people were very helpful with translating and explaining to me what was being said. I do think I need to try and learn some finnish at least, so I am not completely lost when someone speaks finnish to me. Though someone did say to me that looking at me while someone was talking finnish, you would never guess that I was completely oblivious as to what was being said. It looked like I understood it.

I think that will be all for today. It's been another day of hard work and I am feeling quite tired.

See you all on the other side!

tisdag 13 september 2016

Moving in mosquito land

Greetings from the other side.

Short post from me today, as it has been a long day, and I have to make an unusually early night because I have to get up extra early tomorrow morning.

Lots of mosquitos around today. Been working outside all day, and most of the work has been done in a cloud of mosquitos. They haven't been a major issue all summer, but now all of a sudden they are back in force for some reason, and have been for a little while now. I wonder if it's the same thing back home in Sweden? I'll have to ask.

Not counting the mosquitos though, it's been a very nice day with warm, sunny weather. A bit more wind to keep the mosquitos away would have been nice, but I suppose you can't have everything.

Things are shaping up ahead of the move downstairs. We have gotten a couple of furnitures in, and my girlfriend and her mother is trying to sort out the curtains. Slowly but surely it is getting to the point where we can finally move in there. :) Not that we have any issues living in the upstairs apartment. That will still be in use after we move downstairs. It is just that it will be nice to have a proper bedroom and an 'office', and it gives us an opportunity to create a home for 'us', where some of my stuff can also find a room to be.

See you all on the other side!

måndag 12 september 2016

Something new

Greetings from the other side.

I am seriously lacking blogging inspiration today, but I will give it a go anyway.

Went running some errands with my girlfriend today and found something I have not tried before, coconut water. 100% pure even, according to the label. So I figured I would buy one and give it a go.
Having tasted it now, I am not sure it was worth the 3 euros and 15 cents I paid for it (just above 30kr according to the online currency converter), for a tetra pak containing 33cl of the stuff. I mean it was ok, and I know it is probably very nutritious and good for me, but the taste didn't make me go "WOW" or anything.

I might buy it again some time, but then again I might not either. Only time will tell. :)

The sun is shining today, which is great, but I am feeling slightly low on energy again, which is not great. Hoping it is only a temporary thing though, and that I will feel better again soon.

Wednesday I go with work off to some place somewhere. I like the idea as I get to meet and talk to new people and get to know more people who are in the same line of work as I am. Downside though is that we leave at 7:10am. Those who know me, know that I am more of a nightowl than a morning person, so it might be a bit of a struggle to get up at 5:45 in the morning. I am sure I will cope though, even if I won't necessarily like it.

Other than that it has been a slow day for me. As I mentioned earlier in the post I am a bit low on creative energy today, as well as energy in general. Hopefully it is a passing thing.

See you all on the other side!

söndag 11 september 2016

A Sunday out of the ordinary

Greetings from the other side.

So far this has been a day of new meetings and experiences. I had the honor of being "kyrkvärd" today at the morning service at church. I have tried translating "kyrkvärd" into english, but found two different terms - "churchwarden" and "sidesman". I have not been able to ascertain which one would be the most appropriate term to use however, so I will leave it at that. Being my first time doing this, I was happy to have my girlfriend's dad with me who has a lot of experience with that kind of work.

After we were done at the church, we went off to buy some salmon and met a relative to my girlfriend's family there. He was probably one of the happiest, and most cheerful people I have ever met. It's the kind of happiness that just beams off of him, and infects everyone around him. It was also the first time I have ever walked into a store and gotten a hug from someone working there. :) lol I guess I am part of the family now.

Yesterday's fog has lifted from the land, but the cloud-cover still remains. From what I am told the sun will come back again tomorrow, which will be welcome.

I seem to have gotten my energy back now, which is welcome after a long week of feeling heavy in both body and mind. Not sure what was up with that. It was like I hadn't been sleeping even though I tried to sleep more than normally to counter it. Hopefully my new-found energy will stay with me going forward. :)

I was able to do a bit more world-building yesterday evening, which felt nice having not been able to do any work on it in the past week. :) I was unable to do any more work on maps however, but I am sure I will get to doing that soon as well.

See you all on the other side!

lördag 10 september 2016

A 'Moving' Story

Greetings from the other side.

The bottom floor of my girlfriend's house has been empty since her tenant moved out about three weeks ago, and since then we have been slowly working towards getting the downstairs apartment fixed up and ready so we can move down there. The plan being that the bottom floor will be our main living quarters, and then also make use of the upstairs apartment, plus use it as a separate apartment for guests when people are visiting.

It's been a slow process getting things ready downstairs however, partly because I have been working long days and then am exhausted when the weekend comes, but also because there have been a lot of work that needs to be done. We have fixed up the bathroom, including having a plumber over, we've repainted a lot of stuff in the kitchen and other places, and we've gotten some new wallpaper to replace the ones where the tenants cats had left scratch-marks. We are currently in the process of putting up said wallpapers. Luckily we have had a lot of help from my girlfriend's father. We are also expecting an electrician to come here as we need to do a bit of electrical re-wiring for when we move the stove from upstairs to downstairs, and the one we currently have downstairs to upstairs. It is bigger than the one that is currently downstairs, and will need to be put in a different place, hence why we need the new electrical socket to plugg it in.

It will be good once it is all done however, and we can't wait for it to be all finished so we can finally move downstairs. My girlfriend is getting a little bit impatient about it all taking so long.

There's more to think about when you move like this than you would think. And this will be my second move in a bit over a month. Granted this move is happening within the same house, but there's still furniture that needs to be moved, painting and preparations that need to be done, and a lot of other things.

We also had a little mold-scare in the bathroom in the beginning, but it turns out it was nothing so that was a major relief!

I'm really looking forward to having people come visit from Sweden once we are done with everything. It will be really nice seeing my parents and friends again. :)

There's fog outside today, and a bit of rain. Was kind of hoping for a bit of sunshine, but that might happen later today.

See you all on the other side!

fredag 9 september 2016

Thoughts from a tired mind

Greetings from the other side.

Another day of work has passed, and now the weekend is upon us. Except I work this weekend. Granted, it is 'only' on Sunday, but in return I get Monday off so I guess it evens itself out. This is the first job I have ever had where I have had to work on the weekend on occasion, unless there was anything special, so that's a new experience for me. I'm sure it will be fine though. As I said, I get Monday off instead, which is nice. :)

Life here on the other side is moving along quite nicely for me. Only downside really is the tiredness and heavy feeling in my body and head that is currently affecting me. I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of resting on my days off.

Hopefully I will get my creative spark back soon. I have a feeling it will return when my head clears up a bit. I had so many ideas that I wanted to figure out and make use of before this happened, that I can't work on until I feel better. Luckily I have them written down at least.

For some reason there were a lot of mosquitos out today. I thought we were just about done with them for this summer. Apparently not. Luckily there were a bit of wind today, so they weren't that bad, but coming home from work there was no wind and a lot of mosquitos outside.

Right. I think that's all my brain can muster for now.

See you all on the other side!

torsdag 8 september 2016

One day at a time

Greetings from the other side.

In my last post I mentioned that I wasn't feeling too well. That is still the case, unfortunatelly. I hope that some rest will do me good this weekend, even though I work this Sunday.

It isn't really affecting my work that much yet. Only discernable issue is that everything I do seem to take a longer time than it normally would, and I get tired a lot quicker. It isn't ideal, but at least it isn't keeping me from doing my job. I've only been working there about 4 weeks, so I don't really want to come down with a fever, or something, now that would keep me home.

Outside of my work, the thing that annoys me the most about this tiredness is that it is also having an effect on my creativity, which has been almost zero this week. After I get home from work my mind is just too tired to be creative, or at least that is what it feels like. I might try and do a bit of writing today, just to see how it goes, but judging by the way I feel I don't have high hopes for it.

Even coming up with things to write about on the blogs is difficult right now, but I am trying to push through it. Might have to be a few shorter posts until I feel better, we shall see.

It is kind of strange, ever since I moved here from Sweden I seem to have been suffering from one thing or another. First it was my knee, then I got an eye infection, then my current issues. I will persevere though. Hopefully I will be all better soon. :)

Now to try and write something for my other blog.

See you all on the other side!

tisdag 6 september 2016

Less than 100%

Greetings from the other side.

Not sure what is up with me today. My head is feeling heavy and clouded, my body feels heavy as well, and it feels like I haven't slept in days. I don't have a fever however, nor do I feel like I am coming down with one. I have been feeling like this all day today.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff to do at work this week, so hopefully I can stay healthy and get my head back in order again soon. I am trying not to get stressed about it though. I know that stressing won't help in the slightest, and it would probably only succeed in making things worse, which would probably make me stress even more, etc etc.

I'm even having a hard time being creative and writing stuff or working on maps today. Which is a shame because I love doing that stuff. It gives me a "vent" of sorts, to focus on doing something I love doing. It's a good way to relax for me, doing things like writing about creative stuff such as the world-building, making maps for the world-building, playing tabletop roleplaying games, reading about historical stuff, etc etc. I have already written a post about how doing things you love is good for you so I won't go into any more details about it here.

I have a hard time focusing my thoughts right now, so I will end this post here.

See you all on the other side!

måndag 5 september 2016

Creativivity & Everyday Life

Greetings from the other side.

Another work week is under way, starting out with a 9 hr work day. The weather was nice though, and the day went by fairly quickly. Feeling tired still despite having had a very calm weekend. Hopefully I am not coming down with something. Need to stay healthy now that I have just started my new job.

The new blog is working out well so far. Only three blog posts on it as of yet, but there will be plenty more. :) Not really had much issue keeping up with two blogs either. I know I am not able to update every day, but I am trying to update about every 3 days or so at least. Keyword there might be "trying" on occasion, but for the most part I will try to keep that up for both blogs.

I have been working more on the map-making for the world-building project. I have some of the major land-masses outlined, but still need to fill in the details. I am still learning, and I don't really want to fill in the details until I have learned the program better. It is a process, but I am learning a bit every time it feels like. I have also tried working on the writing, and I have been brimming with ideas. :) It's just been a matter of actually getting it all down on paper.

Football (soccer for my north-american blog-readers) season is underway, but sadly I have not been able to watch any games yet as I don't yet have the required TV channels to do so. Will need to get it soon, but honestly with the expenses we've had in the first month of my stay here I would not have been able to justify it. Things should calm down soon though on that front, so it is definitelly up there on the list of things to get. Another thing is a finnish phone so it is not so expensive for my gf to call my swedish phone. A big problem for her has also been that whenever she sends me a text message, her phone seems to send me 3-5 copies of the same text message. An example: Day before yesterday she sent me a short message to let me know she was on her way back home. I got that message 7 times, including one the following day. We'll need to talk to her service provider about that, and if it is not on their side then we'll need to see what can be done about the phone.

On a more positive note, life is moving along quite well over here. :) I am enjoying myself, work is going well, and I am surrounded by wonderful people. I am trying to get around to learning a bit of finnish, but after an 8 or 9 hr work day of hard work, I'm not always in the mood to do some studying when I get back home again. Hopefully I will pick things up as I go along and learn a bit at a time.

See you all on the other side!

lördag 3 september 2016

Doing things things you love, is good for you

Greetings from the other side.

Today's blog post is brought to you from a, so far at least, sunny place somewhere in Finland.

Lots of things have been running through my mind lately, especially with the new blog coming up and writing stuff for that, but also things about life in general. Living here, I live a reasonably calm and "simple" life, in the country side. I have a job to go to, beautiful surroundings, and a wonderful girlfriend. Living here gives you lots of opportunities to reflect on things, which is great for when you have a blog to write. :)

A few days ago, I was finally able to return to roleplaying, having only been able to play with my friends once in the past 5 weeks or so. It was such a nice feeling to be back and doing something that I truly love doing, together with people that I love playing with. I don't think I had fully realized how much I had missed playing tabletop roleplaying games with my friends until I was back. I think it is important that you find things in your life that you truly love doing, that you keep doing them, and that you let them act as a vent for you. Only doing what is expected of you, or things that you "must" do, whether it be work-related or otherwise, is not good for you in the long run, I think. You need a vent. Something you love doing that gives you a very good feeling inside. Something which helps you relax and that you always enjoy going back to. Not because you HAVE to or NEED to, but because you WANT to. It may not be something that is good for you financially, materialistically, or anything like that, but the important thing is that it is good for your well-being. It is a social thing that you can do in a relaxed atmosphere together with friends. I wrote a piece recently on my other blog about why you should play tabletop RPGs, which touched on that a bit, as well.

My point is, finding things that GIVE you energy and joy is extremely important and good for you. They are the things you love doing in your spare time, either together with friends or on your own. They give you energy and happiness, and is something you do because YOU want to do it. Maybe it is a hobby, an interest, or even playing a sport. What is important isn't WHAT it is, but that it is something you enjoy. It can even be a good way to relieve stress, and just enjoy yourself for a while. So if you are suffering from a lot of stress in your life, and you haven't already found something you love doing that can help give you back some of the mental and emotional energy that stress can steal away from you, then I highly recommend that you try and think of something you want to do.

My gf has, stuck on the door to our fridge, a saying that goes "Do more of what makes you happy", and I subscribe wholeheartedly to that. I believe that doing things that make you happy is good for you, both mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

See you all on the other side!